Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Welcome Kinfolk!

Technology has caught up with us! Welcome to the new Kinfolk blog. With this "newsletter," we hope this will be the space you come to get all your information for upcoming family reunions, news from other chapters, as well as notices on graduations, marriages, and other noteworthy news from family and friends.

This will also be the space to place business notices or services being offered by family. Fairly soon you'll be able to contact your chapter president for placing news in this blog, but in the meantime, please send articles to me, Christine Bethea at or Stephen MccCray at  with your news and info. We are the temporary Editors-in-chief to get your info posted. Also other family members can be added as administrators so stories can be shared from all over the country. Let us know if you want to be an LL Reporter for your club.


Christine Bethea/Kinfolk Club Pittsburgh